How I would use a blog in my classroom


Technology can be incorporated into every lesson person is teaching. Whether using white board, a laptop, printers or projector the opportunities for teachers and their students to use technology are many.

I would integrate technology in my classroom by making videos to stimulate my students and to keep them attentive and excited. Word could be used in creating assessment or activity sheets while making a class roster and calculating marks could be done using Excel. Using the PowerPoint software I could cater for my visual learners while podcast would assist me with me auditory learners, also, using Excel, Word or PowerPoint teacher could create games to keep her students excited while they learn. Technology could also be integrated in the making of charts, the compiling of reports and to do research. Students could use technology independently too, using podcast my students can record themselves singing for dramatisation, use a camera to take and editing pictures for their projects and  using the internet to do research. I was also used the blog to keep parents updated on their children’s performance, find home work information, upcoming activities and view their children art work etc.